Martin Honert
Reiterspiel / Piggyback Ride 2022
Painted epoxy resin
Starting with images remembered from his past, Honert dramatizes moments from his life and turns them into three-dimensional objects.
—Udo Kittelmann
I want to discover what’s far in the past but lasts in my memory as an image.
—Martin Honert
Martin Honert
Schubkarrenspiel / Wheelbarrow Game 2022
Painted epoxy resin
The games we played as children were not mere pastimes but very serious. We practiced them with the perfection of professionals.
—Martin Honert
Martin Honert
Rasenmäherspiel / Lawn mower game 2022
Painted epoxy resin
Memory is only interesting to the extent it is still of consequence. If what is remembered remains significant, then I have faith it will also be thought about in the future.
—Martin Honert