ELLSWORTH KELLYDrawings 1954–1962
Untitled 1958 Collage on newsprint 10⅛ × 12½ inches; 26 × 32 cm
Black Forms 1955Ink, graphite and collage on paper
Brown and White 1956Collage
Untitled 1954Ink on paper
Untitled 1957Ink on paper
White Forms 1955Collage
Blue Form on Yellow 1962Collage
Black Form 1956Ink and collage on paper
Untitled 1958Ink on paper
Untitled 1957Graphite and collage on paper
White Bands on Yellow 1959Oil and graphite on paper
Untitled 1957Collage
Untitled 1958Graphite and collage on paper
Black on Red 1957Collage
Untitled 1958Collage on newsprint
Untitled 1958Graphite on cut paperboard collage on paper
Untitled 1959Oil and graphite on paper
Green Form 1959Oil on newsprint
Untitled 1959Ink on paper
White Band over Red and Blue 1960Collage
Untitled 1960Collage
White on Green 1961Collage