Matthew Marks Gallery

Luigi Ghirri

  • Books and Catalogues


    Lingwood, James, ed. Luigi Ghirri: The Map and the Territory. Madrid: Museo Nacional Centro de Arte Reina Sofía; London: MACK, 2018.


    Ghirri, Luigi. The Complete Essays 1973–1991. London: MACK, 2016.


    Hutchinson, John. Luigi Ghirri. Dublin: The Douglas Hyde Gallery, 2015.


    Luigi Ghirri: Pensare per immagini. Milan: Electa, 2013.


    Ghirri, Luigi. Kodachrome. London: MACK, 2012.

    Re, Elena, ed. Luigi Ghirri: Project Prints. Zurich: JRP|Ringier, 2012.


    Curiger, Bice, and Giovanni Carmine, eds. ILLUMInations: 54th International Art Exhibition, La Biennale di Venezia. Venice: Marsilio Editori, 2011.

    Re, Elena, ed. Geografia senza punti cardinali: La fotografia nell’arte deglianni ’70 in Italia. Turin, Italy: Galleria Giorgio Persano, 2011.


    La Carte d’Après Nature. London: MACK; Monaco:Nouveau Musée National de Monaco, 2010.

    Ghirri, Luigi. Lezioni di fotografia. Macerata, Italy: Barbaro Quodlibet, 2010.


    Bello qui, non è vero?Rome: Contrasto, 2008.

    Bonami, Francesco, eds. Italics: Arte italiana fra tradizione e rivoluzione 1968–2008. Milan: Electa, 2008.

    Harris, Melissa, and Poala Ghirri, eds. It’s beautiful here, isn’t it…. New York: Aperture, 2008.

    Minini, Massimo. United Artists of Italy. Milan: Photology, 2008.

    Re, Elena, ed. Luigi Ghirri. Fotografie del periodo iniziale. Prato, Italy: Gli Ori, 2008.


    Campany, David, ed. Arte e Fotografia.London: Phaidon, 2006.

    Ghirri, Ilaria, and Poala Borgonzoni Ghirri, eds. Luigi Ghirri: Del guardare. Milan: Baldini Castoldi Dalai Editore, 2006.

    Re, Elena, ed. Luigi Ghirri e l'architettura. Prato, Italy: Gli Ori - Galleria Enrico Fornello, 2006.

    Re, Elena, ed. Luigi Ghirri. Brescia, Italy: Galleria Massimo Minini, 2006.

    The UBS Art Collection: Fotografie.Zurich:UBS AG, 2006.


    Crist, Steve, ed. The Polaroid Book. Selections from the Polaroid Collections of Photography. Cologne: Taschen, 2005.

    Ghirri, Poala Borgonzoni, ed.Il senso delle cose. Luigi Ghirri Giorgio Morandi. Reggio Emilia: Diabasis, 2005.

    Taramelli, Ennery. Mondi infiniti di Luigi Ghirri. Reggio Emilia:Diabasis, 2005.


    Elwall, Robert. Building with Light. The International History of ArchitecturalPhotography.London; New York: Merrel, 2004.

    Ghirri, Poala, ed. Luigi Ghirri: Still-Life. Verona, Italy: Baldini Castoldi Dalai Editore, 2004.

    Sironi. Marco. Geografie del narrare. Insistenze sui luoghi di Luigi Ghirri e Gianni Celati. Reggio Emilia, Italy: Diabasis, 2004.


    Koetzle, Hans-Michael. Das Lexicon der Fotografen. 1900 bis heute. Munich: Knaur, 2002.

    Le livre du FRAC - Collection Aquitaine. Panorama de l'Art d'aujourd'hui. Canéjan, France: Le Festin/FRAC - Collection Aquitaine, 2002.


    Ghirri, Luigi. Infinito. Rome: Meltemi, 2001.

    Ghirri, Luigi. Un piede nell'Eden. Rome: Meltemi, 2001.

    Mussini, Massimo. Luigi Ghirri. Milan:Federico Motta Editore, 2001.

    Weiermair, Peter, ed.La natura della natura morta. Da Fox Talbot ai nostri
    Milan:Electa - Galleria d'Arte Moderna, 2001.

    Zannier,Italo, ed.Sperimentalismo fotografico in Italia 1970–2000. Lestans, Italy: CRAF, 2001.


    Faccioli, Davide, ed. 100 al 2000: il Secolo della Fotoarte. Milan: Photology, 2000.

    Ghirri, Luigi. Atlante. Milan: Charta, 2000.

    Marra, Claudio. Fotografia e pittura nel '900: Una storia senza combattimento. Milan: Bruno Mondadori, 2000.

    Mormorio, Diego.Paesaggi italiani del '900. Milan: Federico Motta Editore, 2000.


    Cavanna, Pierangelo, ed .Luigi Ghirri. Aosta, Italy: Regione autonoma Valle d’Aosta.


    Ghirri, Paolo, ed. Luigi Ghirri. Polaroid. Milan: Baldini & Castoldi, 1998.

    Guadagnini, Walter, and Filipo Maggia, eds. 1968/1998: Fotografia e Arte in Italia. Milan: Baldini & Castoldi, 1998.

    Valtorta, Roberta. Pagine di fotografia italiana/Pages of Italian photography
    . Milan: Charta, 1998.


    Costantini, Paolo, and Giovanni Chiaramonte, eds.Niente di antico sotto il sole. Scritti e immagini per un'autobiografia. Turin, Italy: SEI, 1997.

    Costantini, Paolo, and Giovanni Chiaramonte, eds.Luigi Ghirri. Voyage dans les images. Nantes, France: En Vues, 1997.

    Kos, Wolfgang, ed. Alpenblick: Die zeitgenossische Kunst und das Alpine. Vienna: Stroemfeld/Roter Stern, 1997.

    Russo, Antonella, ed. Fotografia italiana per una collezione. Collezione Re
    Rebaudengo Sandretto
    . Turin, Italy: Neos Edizioni, 1997.


    Costantini, Paolo. Luigi Ghirri – Aldo Rossi: Cose che sono solo se stesse/Things which are only themselves. Montréal: CCA; Milan: Electa, 1996.


    Manfredi, Gianfranco.Luigi Ghirri: I luoghi della musica. Milan: Federico Motta Editore, 1994.


    Chefs-d’œuvre de la photographie: Les anneés 1970. Lausanne, Switzerland: Fondation Select, 1993.

    Quintavalle, Arturo Carlo. Muri di carta. Fotografia e paesaggio dopo leavanguardie. Milan: Electa, 1993.

    Taramelli, Ennery. “Il teatro dell'eterno presente.” In Tutte le strade portano a Roma? Edited by Achille Bonito Oliva. Rome: Carte Segrete, 1993.


    Ghirri, Luigi. Atelier Morandi. Paris: Contrejour;Bari, Italy: Palomar, 1992.

    Ghirri, Luigi. Vista con camera. Milan: Federico Motta Editore, 1992.


    Quintavalle, Arturo Carlo, and Luigi Ghirri. Viaggio dentro un antico labirinto. Bergamo, Italy: D'Adamo, 1991.


    Ghirri, Luigi.Paesaggio italiano/Italian Landscape. Milan: Electa, 1989.

    Ghirri, Luigi.Il profilo delle nuvole: Immagini di un paesaggio italiano. Milan: Feltrinelli, 1989.


    Quintavalle, Arturo Carlo. Il Palazzo dell'Arte. Milan:Gruppo Editoriale Fabbri, 1988.


    Celant, Germano. The European Iceberg: Creativity in Germany and Italy Today. Toronto: Art Gallery of Ontario, 1985.


    Ghirri, Luigi, Leone, Gianni, and Enzo Velati, eds.Viaggio in Italia. Alessandria, Italy: Il Quadrante, 1984.


    Vaccari, Franco, and Ennery Taramelli. “Luigi Ghirri.” I Grandi Fotografi. Milan: Gruppo Editoriale Fabbri, 1983.


    Heiting, Manfried, ed.Fotografie 1922–1982. Cologne: Photokina, 1982.


    Pagé, Suzanne, and Michel Nuridsany, eds. Ils se disent peintres, ils se disent photographes. Paris: ARC/Musée d'Art Moderne de la Ville de Paris, 1981.


    Carluccio, Luigi, ed. L'immagine provocata. Venice: Electa-La Biennale, 1979.

    Quintavalle, Arturo Carlo, Mussini, Massimo, and Luigi Ghirri. Luigi Ghirri. Milan: Feltrinelli, Università di Parma – Centro Studi e Archivio della Comunicazione, 1979.


    Ghirri, Luigi. Kodachrome. Modena, Italy: Punto e Virgola, 1978.


    Photography Year 1975. New York: Time-Life Books, 1975.


    Ghirri, Luigi. Paesaggi di cartone. Edited by Massimo Mussini. Milan: Galleria Il Diafranmma, 1974.

    Ghirri, Luigi. Paesaggi di cartone. Edited by Massimo Mussini. Modena, Italy: Galleria Il Diafranmma, 1974.


    Vaccari, Franco. Luigi Ghirri: Fotografie 1970–1971. Modena, Italy: Sette Arti Club, 1972.

  • Selected Articles


    Ford, Lauren Moya. “Luigi Ghirri’s Affectionate Photos of Puglia’s Calm, Hushed Spaces.” Hyperallergic, March 15, 2022.


    Hatfield, Zack. “Luigi Ghirri.” Artforum 59, no. 6, March 2021, pp. 174–75.


    Connors, Matt, and Adele Ghirri. “The Interiors of Luigi Ghirri.” Apartamento, no. 26, Autumn/Winter 2020–21, pp. 82–115.

    Farago, Jason. “3 Art Gallery Shows to See Right Now: Luigi Ghirri.” The New York Times, November 20, 2020, p. C9.

    Rhodes, David. “Luigi Ghirri.” The Brooklyn Rail, December/January 2020–21, p. 73.


    Garrido, Rubén Cervantes. “Luigi Ghirri: The Map and the Territory.” Aesthetica, no. 87, February/March 2019, pp. 132–33.

    Ghosh, Ravi. “Snapshot: ‘Colazione sull’erba’ by Luigi Ghirri.” Financial Times, May 3, 2019 (online).

    Verdier, Aurélie. “Luigi Ghirri.” Art-Press(France), no. 465, April 2019, pp. 44–45.

    Spunta, Marina. “Luigi Ghirri: The Map and the Territory.” Burlington Magazine161, no. 1394, May 2019, pp. 430–31.

    Warner, Marigold. “Colour Pioneer Luigi Ghirri’s The Map and the Territory.” British Journal of Photography, February 13, 2019 (online).


    Benson, Louise. “True or False? Luii Ghirri’s Explorations in the Unreal.” Elephant, July 8, 2018 (online).

    Brown, Sarah Heather. “Luigi Ghirri ’s The Map and The Territory.” The Brooklyn Rail, September 4, 2018 (online).

    “Exhibitions to See: Luigi Ghirri, The Map and the Territory.” Aperture, no. 232, Fall 2018, p. 10.

    O’Meara, Luigi. “Luigi Ghirri, the Italian master of color photography, charts another way of looking.” Freunde von Freunden, July 2, 2018 (online).

    Stremmel, Kerstin. “Luigi Ghirri: The Map and the Territory.” Elkon(Germany), no. 102, 2018, pp. 73–75.


    Lehmann, Claire. “Luigi Ghirri: Matthew Marks.” March 11, 2016.


    Raimondi, Cristiano. "La Carte D'Aprés Nature." domus, September, 2015, pp. 70–75.


    Andrews, Blake. “Kodachrome by Luigi Ghirri.”LPV Magazine, April 3, 2013.

    Bell, Adam. “Book Reviews: Kodachrome” Photo-Eye(online), January 3, 2013.

    Christiansen, Hanne. “Luigi Ghirri: Saluting the Photographer Who Discovers Today’s Soft Elegant Nostalgia Back in 70s Italy.” Dazed Digital, May 30, 2013 (online).

    Doran, Anne. “Luigi Ghirri: Matthew Marks.” Art in America101, no. 6, June/July 2013, pp. 156–57.

    Gintoff, Vladimir. “Luigi Ghirri: ‘Kodachrome’ 2013.” American Suburb X, March 2013 (online).

    Haeusslein, Allie. “Review: Luigi Ghirri – ‘Kodachrome’ (2013).” American Suburb X, June 2013 (online).

    Rosenberg, Karen. “Luigi Ghirri: ‘Kodachrome.’” TheNew York Times, March 29, 2013, p. C24.

    “Luigi Ghirri.” Fotografia Italiana, May 2, 2013 (online).

    “A Master Photographer at Maxxi: Luigi Ghirri: Thinking through Images.” Artdaily, April, 25, 2013 (online).

    "Luigi Ghirri: Portfolio.”Artforum51, no. 8, April 2013, pp. 196–205.


    Aletti, Vince. “Italian Job.” The New Yorker, March 12, 2012, p. 10.

    Chambers, Christopher Hart. “La Carte D’Après Nature.” Flash Art 45, no. 282, January/February 2012, no. 282, p. 130.

    Shaheen, Suzanne. “Off the Shelf: Luigi Ghirri’s It’s Beautiful Here, Isn’t It….” The New Yorker, February 27, 2012 (online).


    Cerizza, Luca. “Souvenir d’Italie.” Kaleidoscope, no. 13, Winter 2011/12, pp. 161–67.

    Denson, G. Roger. “ The World Is a Mind in Thomas Demand’s... .” Huffington Post, September 27, 2011 (online).

    Doran, Anne. “La Carte D’Apres Nature.” Art in America 99, no. 9, October 2011, p. 178.

    Fisher, Cora. “La Carte D’apres Nature.” The Brooklyn Rail, September 2011.

    Grant, Simon. “The Magritte Connection.” Tate Etc., no. 21, Spring 2011, p. 8.

    Kleinman, Adam. “La Carte D’Après Nature.” ArtAgenda, September 6, 2011 (online).

    “Luigi Ghirri.” JRP/Ringier, Fall 2011, pp. 12–13.

    “La Carte D’Après Nature.” Monopol, October 2011, p. 137.

    “La Carte D’Après Nature.” The New Yorker, September 19, 2011, p. 14.

    Lange, Christy. “All Other Images.” Frieze, no. 143, November/December 2011, pp. 120–25.

    Levin, Kim. “La Carte D’Après Nature.” ARTnews 110, no. 9, October 2011, p. 102.

    Perl, Jed. The New Republic, September 14, 2011 (online).

    Pregnel, Kate. “Real and Surreal Juxtaposed.” Art City, September 2011, pp. 7–8.

    Spaeth, Catherine. “Artificial Coolness and Similitude... .” Huffington Post, October 6, 2011 (online).

    Rimanelli, David. “La Carte D’Après Nature.” Artforum 50, no. 3, November 2011, p. 268.

    Rosenberg, Karen. “La Carte D’Après Nature.” The New York Times, September 2, 2011, p. C17.

    Rosenberg, Karen. “Out-Magritting Magritte, or at Least Coming Close.” The New York Times, August 12, 2011, p. C24.

    Ruby, Taylor. “Double Take.” ARTslant,September 11, 2011 (online).

    Russeth, Andrew. “With a Magritte-Inspired Show, Thomas Demand Tries Curating.” The New York Observer, July 19, 2011 (online).

    “Surrealism in the Real World.” The Wall Street Journal, August 6, 2011, p. C14.

    Sutton, Kate. “Critics’ Picks: La Carte D’AprèsNature.” Artforum, September 2011(online).

    Vogel, Carol. “An Artist Shows His Train of Thought.” The New York Times, July 15, 2011, p. C22.


    Kimmelman, Michael. “Arts Become Latest Luxuries Monaco Offers.” The NewYork Times, October 14, 2010, p. C1.

    Pioselli, Alessandra. “Luigi Ghirri: Castello di Rivoli.” Artforum 50, no. 9, May 2012, p. 325.

    Prince, Mark. “Luigi Ghirri.” Frieze, no. 130, 2010.


    Guerrin, Michel. “Stephen Shore, Luigi Ghirri: et la couleur fut.” Le Monde (Paris), January 21, 2005, p. 24.


    Soutif, Daniel. “Luigi Ghirri.” Artforum 40, no. 3, November 2001, p. 153.


    “Immagini italiane.” Aperture, no. 132, 1993.


    Ghirri, Luigi. “L'oeuvre ouverte.” Les Cahiers de la Photographie (Paris), no. 15, 1985, pp. 19–26.


    Nuridsany, Michel. “Luigi Ghirri: Inventer la réalité.” Le Figaro, October 31, 1978.