September 13–October 26, 2019
523 West 24th Street
New York

Richard Hamilton The Critic Laughs 1980
Video (color, sound)Les Levine
Critic contact sheet 1966
Fuji Crystal printArthur Dove
The Critic 1925
Assemblage of paper, newspaper, fabric, cord, broken glass, watercolor and graphite on boardJasper Johns
Sketch for The Critic Smiles 1959
Charcoal on paperJasper Johns The Critic Smiles 1969
From Lead Reliefs
Embossing with object on lead sheet with gold and tin foilJasper Johns
The Critic Smiles 1966
Lithograph with hand additions in metallic paint on Chatham paperJasper Johns
Summer Critic 1968
Embossing with silkscreen on Japan paper and acetateJasper Johns
The Critic Sees 1967
Embossing with silkscreen on Rives BFK paper and acetateRosemarie Trockel
The Critic 2015
Mixed mediaRichard Hamilton
The Critic Laughs 1971–72
Electric toothbrush, false teeth, presentation caseJasper Johns
The Critic Sees 1961
Sculp-metal on plaster with glassRichard Hamilton
The Critic Laughs 1968
Laminated offset lithograph and screenprint with collage and hand additions