Matthew Marks Gallery


March 27–May 8, 1999

522 West 22nd Street
New York

Matthew Marks is pleased to announce Roni Horn: Pi, the next exhibition in his gallery at 522 West 22nd Street.

The exhibition consists of an installation of 45 color photographs, which together make up one work. Installed on all four walls of the gallery to form a continuous horizon line, the photographs surround the viewer without any fixed beginning or end. The images, all taken in Iceland, include a wide range of subjects each of which relates to the cycles of everyday life in a place that has been the inspiration for much of Roni Horn’s work in the past several years. Landscapes and seascapes are interspersed with portraits of an elderly couple who harvest the down from the nests of Eider ducks, interiors and views from the windows of a house near the Arctic Circle, stills from Iceland’s favorite television soap opera, The Guiding Light, and images of stuffed indigenous animals.

The installation’s title, Pi, defined as the ratio of the circumference of a circle to its diameter, underscores the theme in this work of cycles and lives played out literally at the Arctic Circle.

Pi was first exhibited at the Sydney Biennial in Australia this past autumn and will be shown at the Musée d’Art Moderne de la Ville de Paris this October.

Roni Horn: Pi will remain on view through Saturday, May 8 at 522 West 22nd Street, between 10th and 11th Avenues. Hours: Tuesday through Saturday, 11:00 AM to 6:00 PM.

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