New Paintings
January 29–March 14, 1992
1018 Madison Avenue
New York

Symbolic Representation of the Journey From the Cradle to the Grave and Beyond, From Another Perspective 1991 Oil on panel 82 × 46 inches; 208 × 117 cm
Incubus 1991
Oil on panelMore Fucking Values 1991
Oil on panelJim (Big) 1991
Oil on panel, four partsJim (Little) 1991
Oil on panelSymbolic Representation of the Journey From the Cradle to the Grave and Beyond 1991
Oil on panelSymbolic Representation of the Journey From the Cradle to the Grave and Beyond, From Another Perspective 1991
Oil on panelUntitled 1991
Oil, pastel, and graphite on paper