Honoré Daumier, R. Crumb, Jake and Dinos Chapman, Dr. Lakra, Keegan McHargue
July 7–August 20, 2004
523 West 24th Street
New York

Dr. Lakra
Untitled (Legal o ilegal) 2003
Ink on vintage magazineDr. Lakra
Untitled (Manya Rosay) 2003
Ink on antique magazineRobert Crumb Untitled [Let’s Eat] 1966–70
Ink on paperRobert Crumb That’d Be Nice
Ink on paperHonoré Daumier Delteil 0402: L’Agent de Change après la Bourse (The Stockbroker after the Stock Excange Session) 1837
Color lithographHonoré Daumier Delteil 1496: Il parait qu’on vient de revoir le serpent de mer dans la mer des... (Apparently Someone is supposed ot have seen the sea snake in the sea of...) 1846
Lithograph, colored by handKeegan McHargue The Color and Shape of Water 2004
Graphite on paperKeegan McHargue
Six Beacons 2004
Graphite on paperJake and Dinos Chapman Unhappy Meal III 2002
Hand-colored etching printed on 600gsm Somerset paper trimmed by the artists and assembled into a boxJake and Dinos Chapman Unhappy Meal 2002
Etching on 300gsm Somerset paper