September 23–November 4, 2023
1062 North Orange Grove
7818 Santa Monica Boulevard
Los Angeles

The Grimalkin 2023 Digital print on poplin, plexiglass, Flashe paint, sequin pins, foam, velvet, hardware, wood frame 88¾ × 117⅜ inches; 225 × 298 cm
The Dæmon 2022
Plexiglass, Flashe paint, sequin pins, foam, velvet, hardware, wood frame, twenty-four panelsThe Conversation Pit 2023
Flock, foam, velvet, steel, SLA-printed plastic, concrete, plywood, laser-cut mirrored plexiglass, wire-core urethane rubber plant, carpetThe Grimalkin 2023
Digital print on poplin, plexiglass, Flashe paint, sequin pins, foam, velvet, hardware, wood frameThe Brick 2023
Flock, telephone, aluminum, bondoThe Flower Moon 2022
Stained glass, pivoting steel frame, velvet, LEDsThe Fag End 2023
Aluminum, fiberglass, rice paper, foam, ash, glue, Flashe paint, plywood, laser-cut mirrored plexiglassTHƎ SUPƎRMAN 2017
Video (color/sound), CRT monitor, media player, hardware, birch, laminate, casters